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Christian Brothers College Review

The Essentials

Type Of School: Boarding
Fees per term: US$1,820.00
Address: Chelmsford Road, Bulawayo
Phone Number: 09 281 005
Headmaster: Mr. Kizito Muhomba
Number of pupils:600+
Age Range:12-19
Website: http://
Church: Roman catholic

Table Of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Contact details
  3. Address
  4. Location
  5. School Fees
  6. Courses & Programs
  7. Vacancies and Entry Requirements
  8. Logo
  9. School Uniform
  10. Notable Alumni
  11. Pros And Cons
  12. Author’s Review


Christian Brothers College (CBC) in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, stands as a beacon of educational excellence deeply rooted in the rich heritage of the Christian Brothers tradition.

Established with a noble vision and unwavering commitment to academic prowess, character development, and service to others, CBC Bulawayo has been shaping young minds and hearts for generations.

Founded in 1953, CBC Bulawayo has played a pivotal role in the educational landscape of Zimbabwe, offering a holistic learning environment that nurtures intellectual curiosity, spiritual growth, and social responsibility.

Situated in the heart of Bulawayo, the school’s campus serves as a vibrant hub of learning, where students from diverse backgrounds come together to embark on a journey of discovery and self-discovery.

At CBC Bulawayo, the legacy of the Christian Brothers comes to life through a dynamic curriculum that blends academic rigor with a strong emphasis on moral values, ethical leadership, and social justice.

Guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ and inspired by the charisma of Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice, the founder of the Christian Brothers, the school instills in its students a deep sense of compassion, integrity, and solidarity with the marginalized.

Christian Brothers College Contact Details

You can contact Christian Brothers College via their landline or you can visit their website for further contact details.
Phone Number: 09 281 005
Website: http://

Christian Brothers College Address

Corner Chelmsford & Old Esigodini Road, Matsheamhlophe, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Christian Brothers College Location

Christian Brothers College is located at Zimbabwe’s capital city, Bulawayo at a suburb called Matsheamhlophe at Corner Chelmsford & Old Esigodini Road.

Christian Brothers College Fees

Christian Brothers College fees is currently standing at US$1,820.00 as of 2024.

Christian Brothers College Courses & Programs

Christian Brothers College (CBC) in Bulawayo offers a comprehensive range of courses and programs designed to cater to the academic and extracurricular needs of its students. Here is an overview of what CBC provides:

Academic Programs

Junior Forms (Form 1 and Form 2)

English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Religious Education, Shona/Ndebele (local languages), French, Computer Studies, Technical Graphics, Physical Education

Middle Forms (Form 3 and Form 4)

Core subjects from the junior forms

Elective subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Accounting, Business Studies, and Literature in English

Preparation for the Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) O-Level exams

Senior Forms (Lower and Upper Sixth)

Advanced Level (A-Level) courses in subjects including Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, English Literature, Business Studies, and Economics

Students choose subjects based on their career aspirations and university requirements

Extracurricular Activities

Sports: Rugby, Cricket, Soccer, Tennis, Swimming, Basketball, and Athletics

Clubs and Societies: Debate Club, Drama Club, Chess Club, Environmental Club, Interact Club, and Music Club

Community Service: Engagement in various community outreach and service projects as part of the school’s ethos of promoting social responsibility and moral development

Religious Education

Daily morning prayers

Weekly Mass attendance

Religious instruction in line with the Catholic ethos of the school

CBC Bulawayo is dedicated to fostering an environment that promotes academic excellence, moral integrity, and the overall development of its students, preparing them to be responsible and capable members of society.

Christian Brothers College Vacancies And Entry Requirements

O-Level (Ordinary Level) Courses

Students typically enroll in O-Level courses in Forms 3 and 4, preparing for the Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) O-Level exams.

Core Subjects:
English Language, Shona ,Mathematics, Integrated Science (General Science)

History, Geography, Religious Studies, Literature in English, Heritage Studies

Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Technical and Vocational Subjects:
Computer Studies, Technical Graphics, Woodwork, Metalwork, Food and Nutrition, Fashion and Fabrics, Building Studies

Business and Commercial Studies:
Commerce, Business Studies, Accounts

A-Level (Advanced Level) Courses

Students enroll in A-Level courses in Forms 5 and 6, preparing for the ZIMSEC A-Level exams. These courses are more specialized and advanced, focusing on specific subject areas.

Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics

History, Geography, Divinity, Literature in English, Sociology

Business and Commercial Studies:
Business Studies, Economics, Accounting

English Language and Literature

Technical and Vocational Subjects:
Further Mathematics (Advanced Mathematics), Computer Science

Extracurricular Programs

Christian Brothers College offers a wide range of extracurricular activities that complement the academic curriculum:
Sports Programs:
Rugby, Cricket, Soccer, Basketball, Athletics, Swimming, Tennis

Arts and Cultural Activities:
Drama Club, School Band and Choir, Visual, Arts, Public Speaking and Debate

Clubs and Societies:
Interact Club (Community Service), Chess Club, Science Club, Environmental Club, Quiz Club

Leadership and Personal Development:
Prefect System
Student Representative Council (SRC)

Leadership Training Programs

Special Programs:
School Magazine and Journalism Club
Educational Trips and Excursions
Exchange Programs with other schools

Additional Programs

Career Guidance and Counseling: Providing students with career advice and support.
ICT Integration: Utilizing modern technology in teaching and learning processes.
Library Services: Offering access to a wide range of academic resources and reading materials.

Christian Brothers College Logo

Below is the logo of Christian Brothers College with excellent quality and it is available to download in PNG (transparent file) JPEG and PDF.

Christian Brothers College Logo

Christian Brothers College Logo PNG transparent file download

Christian Brothers College School Uniform

Grey trousers and white shirts
Green and white with yellow striped tie with badge or logo
Grey socks and black laced shoes
Green blazer with badge or logo

Christian Brothers College Notable Alumni

Graham Boynton
David Coltart
Charles Coventry
Mark Dekker
Adrian Garvey
Tony Johnstone
Alexander McCall Smith
Keegan Meth
Obi Mhondera
Sitholizwe Mdlalose
Daniel Rowland
Denis Streak
Mike Williams

Christian Brothers College Pros And Cons


Quality Education: CBC Bulawayo is renowned for its commitment to academic excellence. Students benefit from a rigorous curriculum, dedicated teachers, and access to modern educational resources, preparing them well for higher education and future careers.

Values-Based Education: As a Christian institution, CBC places a strong emphasis on moral and spiritual development. Students are instilled with ethical values, empathy, and a sense of social responsibility, which are valuable attributes in today’s world.

Strong Community Spirit: CBC fosters a tight-knit community where students, teachers, and parents collaborate closely. This sense of camaraderie creates a supportive environment for learning, personal growth, and lifelong friendships.

Holistic Development: In addition to academics, CBC offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, and community service. These activities contribute to the holistic development of students, fostering their talents, leadership skills, and character.

Alumni Network: CBC boasts a proud tradition of producing successful alumni who excel in various fields. The school’s alumni network provides valuable mentorship, networking opportunities, and support to current students, helping them navigate their academic and professional journeys.


Cost: Private education, including CBC, often comes with a significant financial burden. Tuition fees, along with additional expenses for uniforms, textbooks, and extracurricular activities, may pose challenges for some families, limiting access to those who can afford it.

Uniformity: As a Catholic school, CBC has strict rules and regulations regarding dress code, conduct, and religious practices. While these guidelines uphold the school’s values and traditions, they may feel restrictive to students who prefer more freedom of expression.

Religious Focus: While CBC welcomes students of all faiths, its curriculum and activities may have a strong Christian focus. Students from non-Christian backgrounds may feel marginalized or uncomfortable with certain religious practices or teachings.

Limited Diversity: CBC may have a relatively homogenous student population in terms of ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and cultural background. This lack of diversity could limit students’ exposure to different perspectives and experiences, potentially hindering their overall growth and understanding of the world.

Pressure to Excel: The pursuit of academic excellence at CBC may create a competitive and high-pressure environment for students. While this can motivate some students to strive for success, others may feel overwhelmed or stressed by the expectations placed upon them.

Author's Review

Beyond the classroom, CBC Bulawayo fosters a vibrant community spirit, where students are encouraged to explore their passions, engage in extracurricular activities, and actively contribute to the welfare of others.

Whether through sports, arts, or community service initiatives, students at CBC Bulawayo learn the importance of teamwork, perseverance, and making a positive impact on society.

As a testament to its commitment to excellence, CBC Bulawayo boasts a distinguished alumni network comprising leaders and trailblazers in various fields, both locally and internationally.

These alumni serve as ambassadors of the school’s values and traditions, embodying the transformative power of a CBC education.

In essence, Christian Brothers College in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration, empowering generations of young men to embrace their potential, uphold Christian values, and become compassionate leaders in their communities and beyond.

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