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NUST American Space Review In 2024

The Essentials

Type of Institution: College
Fees per Semester: US$150.00 to US$300.00
Address: PO Box AC 410, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
Phone Number: +263-29-2258442
Training Manager: Mr. C Chikwira
Number of students: 500+

Table Of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Contact Details
  3. Address
  4. Location
  5. School Fees
  6. Courses & Programs
  7. Vacancies and Entry Requirements
  8. Logo
  9. Notable Alumni
  10. Pros and Cons
  11. Author’s Review


Learning and Resources

Access to Information: The space provides students, educators, and community members with access to books, digital materials, and databases related to U.S. culture, politics, science, and education.
Technology and Innovation: Equipped with modern tools, including computers, internet access, and multimedia equipment, the American Space encourages learning in technology, science, and innovation.

Workshops and Programs

The space hosts workshops, seminars, and public discussions on a variety of topics, such as entrepreneurship, leadership, technology, and education.
English Language Programs: It offers resources to help improve English proficiency, which is essential for higher education and career advancement.

Cultural Exchange

NUST American Space promotes cultural exchange between the U.S. and Zimbabwe by hosting film screenings, cultural events, and guest speaker programs, often featuring U.S. experts and cultural figures.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The space actively supports startups and entrepreneurs by offering skills development workshops in areas such as business planning, financial literacy, and marketing.

STEM Promotion

A significant focus is placed on promoting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, providing students with opportunities to learn through hands-on activities, coding, robotics, and more.

NUST American Space Contact Details

Phone: (029) 2880851

NUST American Space Address

55 Jason Moyo St, Bulawayo

NUST American Space Location

NUST American Space is located in Zimbabwe’s second largest city, Bulawayo in the CBD on Jason Moyo Street.

NUST American Space Logo

Below is the logo of NUST American Space with excellent quality and it is available to download in PNG (transparent file) JPEG and PDF.

NUST American Space logo

NUST American Space logo PNG transparent file download

NUST American Space Pros and Cons


Access to Resources and Information: Provides free access to books, digital libraries, and educational databases, helping students and researchers connect with U.S. resources on various topics including science, technology, and culture
Educational Programs: Offers various workshops, public lectures, and seminars focused on technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, and global issues. These programs support skill development and career advancement.
Cultural Exchange and Networking: Promotes cultural exchange through events like film screenings, public discussions, and dialogue sessions, enhancing knowledge of U.S. culture and values.
Technological Support: The space provides access to state-of-the-art technology including computers and the internet, enabling students to conduct research and complete assignments efficiently
Entrepreneurship Support: The NUST American Space offers workshops that support entrepreneurs and startups, helping them develop business plans, marketing strategies, and financial literacy​


Limited Physical Space: The space may not always accommodate large numbers of people, especially during events, potentially limiting its accessibility to all interested participants.
Limited Operating Hours: The space is only open during weekdays (9:00 AM to 4:30 PM) and closed on weekends, which may be inconvenient for those with tight schedules​.
Event Availability: While many valuable events are hosted, the variety and frequency of programs may not always align with every student’s interests or needs, and event announcements might not reach all interested audiences​.

Author's Review

The American Space at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) stands out as a significant resource for students and researchers interested in American culture, technology, and education.

With its focus on providing access to a wealth of information and resources related to the United States, the American Space offers a unique opportunity for academic and cultural exchange.

Through its diverse programs, including workshops, seminars, and access to American educational materials, it fosters an environment of learning and global engagement. The space serves as a valuable bridge between Zimbabwean and American academic and cultural spheres, supporting students in broadening their perspectives and enhancing their research capabilities.

However, as with any specialized resource, there may be limitations in terms of the breadth of resources available and the extent to which the American Space can integrate with broader academic programs at NUST. Additionally, the impact of its offerings may depend on the level of engagement and support from both the university and the broader community.

In summary, the American Space at NUST is a valuable asset for those seeking to explore American culture and academic opportunities. Its contribution to fostering international connections and supporting research makes it an important part of NUST’s academic landscape, despite some potential limitations in resource scope and integration.

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